UFf.. pekne vidno ktora cast kodu je pisana rano a ktora v noci :D
K-means vs Kohonen
Porovnávali sme výsledky metód zhlukovania k-means a kohonenova sieť. Po porovnaní obidvoch zhlukovacích metód môžeme v niekoľkých vetách zhrnúť:
Pri náhodnej inicializácii k-means môže dôjst k stavu, že niektoré means sú inicializované tak neštastne, že sa nachádzajú ďaleko od vstupných dát. To ma za následok, že v kroku priradenia vstupných bodov k najbližším meansom sa stane, že týmto meansom nebude patriť ani jeden bod a teda sa ich poloha nemá ako zmeniť. Pravdepodobnosť výskytu takýchto vyradených meansov stňupa s celkovým počtom zvolených meansov. Tento nedostatok sa odstraňuje inicializáciou meansov na hodnotu náhodného vstupného bodu.
Čo sa týka rýchlosti, podstatne lepšie výsledky sme dosahovali pri metóde k-means. K-means zbehlo približne 10x rýchlejšie ako kohonen, pričom mu stačilo približne 20 cyklov.
Vizuálne výsledky obidvoch zhlukovacích metód sú veľmi podobné. Môžeme teda tvrdiť, že zhlukovanie do 9 meansov je akýmsi ekvivalentom ku zhlukovaniu pomocou kohonenovej siete veľkej 3x3.
Zdrojový súbor
#include <graphics.h> #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <math.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <windows.h> #include <dos.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include "image.h" #define KMEANS_DEFAULT 25 #define TRAIN_CNT_DEFAULT 500 struct config { int train_cnt; /* pocet trenovacich dat */ char *pbm_file; /* pbm subor */ char *image_file; /* bmp,jpg,png subor */ }; struct kmeans { struct config *cfg; double x[KMEANS_DEFAULT]; double y[KMEANS_DEFAULT]; }; void config_initx( struct config *cfg ) { (cfg->train_cnt) = TRAIN_CNT_DEFAULT; (cfg->pbm_file) = NULL; (cfg->image_file) = NULL; } int config_parse_cmdline( struct config *cfg, int argc, char **argv ) { char option; char *tail; if ( argc < 2 ) { printf( "not enough arguments\n" ); return ( -1 ); } while ( (option = getopt( argc, argv, "t:" ) ) != -1 ) { switch (option) { case 't': (cfg->train_cnt) = strtol( optarg, &tail, 10 ); printf( "training count: %d\n", (cfg->train_cnt )); break; case '?': printf( "to parse: %c\n", optopt ); break; default: printf( "unrecognized option: %c\n", option ); return ( -1 ); } } if ( optind < argc ) { (cfg->image_file) = argv[optind]; printf( "image: %s\n", (cfg->image_file) ); } else { printf( "no image file specified\n" ); return ( -1 ); } optind++; if ( optind < argc ) { (cfg->pbm_file) = argv[optind]; printf( "pbm: %s\n", (cfg->pbm_file) ); } else { printf( "no pbm file specified\n" ); return ( -1 ); } return ( 0 ); } /* random weights */ void kmeans_init_weights( struct kmeans *kmeans ) { int i; int j; for ( i=0; i<KMEANS_DEFAULT; i++ ) { (kmeans->x)[i] = ( rand() % 1000 ) / (float)(1000-1); (kmeans->y)[i] = ( rand() % 1000 ) / (float)(1000-1); } } /* first k weights from input data */ void kmeans_init_weights_v2( struct kmeans *kmeans, float *vx, float *vy ) { int i; int j; for ( i=0; i<KMEANS_DEFAULT; i++ ) { (kmeans->x)[i] = vx[i]; (kmeans->y)[i] = vy[i]; } } static void train_vectors_draw( int training_cnt, float *vx, float *vy, int *mean, int maxx, int maxy ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < training_cnt; i++ ) { setcolor( mean[i] % 15 + 1 ); rectangle( (int)(vx[i] * maxx) - 2, (int)(vy[i] * maxy) - 2, (int)(vx[i] * maxx) + 2, (int)(vy[i] * maxy) + 2 ); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, mean[i] % 15 + 1 ); floodfill( (int)(vx[i] * maxx), (int)(vy[i] * maxy), mean[i] % 15 + 1 ); } return; } static int kmeans_off_spiral( struct kmeans *kmeans, struct pbm_image *pbm ) { int i; int off_spiral = 0; for ( i = 0; i < KMEANS_DEFAULT; i++ ) { if ( ! pbm_image_is_black_point( pbm, (int) ((kmeans->x)[i] * pbm->width), (int) ((kmeans->y)[i] * pbm->height) ) ) { off_spiral++; } } return ( off_spiral ); } static void kmeans_redraw( struct kmeans *kmeans, int maxx, int maxy ) { int i; # define KMEAN_RADIUS 6 for ( i = 0; i < KMEANS_DEFAULT; i++ ) { setcolor( 1 ); rectangle( (int)(kmeans->x[i] * maxx) - KMEAN_RADIUS, (int)(kmeans->y[i] * maxy) - KMEAN_RADIUS, (int)(kmeans->x[i] * maxx) + KMEAN_RADIUS, (int)(kmeans->y[i] * maxy) + KMEAN_RADIUS ); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, i % 15 + 1 ); floodfill( (int)(kmeans->x[i] * maxx), (int)(kmeans->y[i] * maxy), 1 ); } return; } static int kmeans_eval_closest( struct kmeans *kmeans, float *trainx, float *trainy, int *train_mean ) { int i, j; float distance; float min_distance; int best_mean; int changed = 0; for ( i = 0; i < TRAIN_CNT_DEFAULT; i++ ) { min_distance = 1.0f; for ( j = 0; j < KMEANS_DEFAULT; j++ ) { distance = powf( trainx[i] - (kmeans->x)[j], 2 ) + powf( trainy[i] - (kmeans->y)[j], 2 ); if ( distance < min_distance ) { min_distance = distance; best_mean = j; } } if ( train_mean[i] != best_mean ) { train_mean[i] = best_mean; changed = 1; } } return changed; } static void kmeans_move_to_new_mean( struct kmeans *kmeans, float *trainx, float *trainy, int *train_mean ) { int i, j; float dist_x; float dist_y; int n_points; for ( i = 0; i < KMEANS_DEFAULT; i++ ) { dist_x = 0.0; dist_y = 0.0; n_points = 0; for ( j = 0; j < TRAIN_CNT_DEFAULT; j++ ) { if ( train_mean[j] == i ) { n_points++; dist_x += trainx[j]; dist_y += trainy[j]; } } if ( n_points ) /* can't be 0 */ { (kmeans->x)[i] = dist_x / (float)n_points; (kmeans->y)[i] = dist_y / (float)n_points; } } return; } static int train_vectors_init( int training_cnt, struct pbm_image *img, float **vectorx, float **vectory, int **vector_mean ) { int i; int pwidth; int pheight; (*vectorx) = (float *)malloc( sizeof (float) * training_cnt ); if ( !(*vectorx) ) { return ( -1 ); } (*vectory) = (float *)malloc( sizeof (float) * training_cnt ); if ( !(*vectory) ) { return ( -1 ); } (*vector_mean) = (int *)malloc( sizeof (float) * training_cnt ); for ( i=0; i<training_cnt; i++ ) { pbm_image_get_rand_black_point( img, &pwidth, &pheight ); (*vectorx)[i] = pwidth / (float)(img->width); (*vectory)[i] = pheight / (float)(img->height); (*vector_mean)[i] = -1; } return ( 0 ); } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { struct kmeans kmeans; struct pbm_image img; struct config cfg; void *bitmap_bground; int page1, page2; int i,j; char *namebuf; float *trainx; float *trainy; int *train_mean; /* which mean does this training point belong to */ /* name used for output images */ namebuf = (char *)malloc( 15 ); /* 1. read configuration */ config_initx( &cfg ); if ( config_parse_cmdline( &cfg, argc, argv ) < 0 ) { printf( "cmdline parse error\n" ); return ( -1 ); } pbm_image_initx( &img ); /* 2. read pbm image */ if ( pbm_image_from_file( &img, cfg.pbm_file ) < 0 ) { return ( -1 ); } kmeans.cfg = &cfg; /* seed the random number generator used to pick training data */ srand( time( NULL ) ); train_vectors_init( cfg.train_cnt, &img, &trainx, &trainy, &train_mean ); kmeans_init_weights ( &kmeans ); // kmeans_init_weights_v2( &kmeans, trainx, trainy ); /* measure time */ LARGE_INTEGER frequency; // ticks per second LARGE_INTEGER t1, t2; // ticks double elapsedTime; // get ticks per second QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency); // start timer QueryPerformanceCounter(&t1); /* init window */ initwindow((img.width),(img.height), "window", 500, 000, 1, 1 ); readimagefile( cfg.image_file, 0, 0, (img.width),(img.height) ); bitmap_bground=malloc( imagesize(0,0,(img.width),(img.height)) ); getimage(0,0,(img.width),(img.height), bitmap_bground); /* first screenshot */ train_vectors_draw( TRAIN_CNT_DEFAULT, trainx, trainy, train_mean, (img.width),(img.height) ); kmeans_redraw( &kmeans, (img.width),(img.height) ); sprintf( namebuf, "image%05d.bmp", 0 ); writeimagefile( namebuf, 0, 0, img.width, img.height ); page1 = getvisualpage(); page2 = getactivepage(); setactivepage( page1 ); setvisualpage( page2 ); Sleep( 1000 ); cleardevice(); putimage(0,0,bitmap_bground,COPY_PUT); /* main cycle */ int mean_changed = 0; int cycle = 0; while ( 1 ) { cycle++; mean_changed = kmeans_eval_closest( &kmeans, trainx, trainy, train_mean ); if ( ! mean_changed ) { break; } train_vectors_draw( TRAIN_CNT_DEFAULT, trainx, trainy, train_mean, (img.width),(img.height) ); kmeans_redraw( &kmeans, (img.width),(img.height) ); sprintf( namebuf, "image%05d.bmp", cycle ); writeimagefile( namebuf, 0, 0, img.width, img.height ); kmeans_move_to_new_mean( &kmeans, trainx, trainy, train_mean ); page1 = getvisualpage(); page2 = getactivepage(); setactivepage( page1 ); setvisualpage( page2 ); cleardevice(); putimage(0,0,bitmap_bground,COPY_PUT); Sleep( 1000 ); } // stop timer QueryPerformanceCounter(&t2); elapsedTime = (t2.QuadPart - t1.QuadPart) * 1000.0 / frequency.QuadPart; printf ("cycles: %d, time: %.2lf ms off_spiral: %d\n", cycle, elapsedTime, kmeans_off_spiral( &kmeans, &img ) ); train_vectors_draw( TRAIN_CNT_DEFAULT, trainx, trainy, train_mean, (img.width),(img.height) ); kmeans_redraw( &kmeans, (img.width),(img.height) ); setvisualpage(getactivepage()); while(!kbhit()); closegraph(); return ( 0 ); }
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